Gasoline Cost Calculator

The price of gasoline continues to climb. Driving to WalMart or other big box store uses gasoline. At some point the money you spend on gasoline becomes a significant part of your purchase. Use the following calculator to find out how much gasoline you spend driving to town. You may find that you can save money by shopping locally.

Enter Car MPG:

Enter Gas Price:

Enter Travel Miles:


To calculate the MPG (Miles Per Gallon) of your car ...

  1. Go to a gas station.
  2. Fill your tank with gas.
  3. Write down the mileage on your odometer. Begin Mileage
  4. Drive normally until you have less than half a tank remaining.
  5. Go to a gas station.
  6. Fill your tank with gas.
  7. Write down the mileage on your odometer. End Mileage
  8. Write down the number of gallons purchased. Gallons

Enter Begin Mileage:

Enter End Mileage:

Enter Gallons: